How to Achieve your Goals?
This is a picture of me sitting on the beach in Virginia Beach, Virginia last winter. I chose this picture because it seems like I'm always thinking about the next idea or next big thing I want to be doing. What else does the world have in store for me? I like to have a sense of purpose, so sitting back and reflecting, helps me determine where and what I want to be doing. Bottom line, it's goals. So many of them and so little time!! Life has so much to offer, we just need to listen to it.
Today, I am sharing some of my top tips when it comes to achieving your health and fitness goals. I've learned alot through personal experiences already-----group fitness classes, personal training, weightlifting, training for a marathon or half marathons, running, triathalons, swimming, CrossFit. You name it, I've tried alot of different things and that I am glad. Some things stuck and others did not. Let me help you STAY MOTIVATED and hit your goals!!
1.Think about what you want and WHY?
It sounds so obvious doesn't it? I always think--but everyone knows that, right? But sometimes seeing what you want on paper, then acting it out is what is going to be needed to get you to the next level. Do you have a timeline? By what point are you looking for your results? Why do you want it? Why is it important to you? Set some smaller steps to get to the bigger goal to be able to cross them off and act as a good check in point. Examples of some of my previous goals have been 1) Hit a 7:00 minute mile pace for a 5K or 2) Hit 10 strict pull ups in a row. Think about what you have been wanting to do!
You've identified what you want to do and why. Now plan it out. What are you going to have ready this week. What is today going to look like? If you develop a plan on a Sunday, there will be no surprises during the week when "life happens." Things will come up, you will feel tired. You no longer will guess what you need to work on for the day because it's already written down. I used to plan my workouts on my train ride home so when my hour at night to work out came, I was using every minute of it wisely. I now look a bit ahead in plan the workouts on a Sunday to train for every needed area during the week. Example: Yesterday I hit biceps and triceps. Also did a 3 mile run at 8 minute mile pace. Today, I will target a different area such as my legs to give my upper body a break. I will still hit some cardio with rowing when done as a cool down.
This is the hard part. Everyone thinks training and staying in a routine is hard. I actually disagree. Start to review your diet. Keep a journal of what you are currently eating. Research macronutrients-which are carbohydrates, fats, and protein. Are you getting the right balance? Are you happy with your weight? Diet will definitely affect your training which will ultimately impact your goals. Are you sluggish after a large meal at lunch or supper causing you to skip a workout. Look at your diet and see where you could do better. I use MyFitnessPal app (free downloadable app) to track my foods and set weight loss goals. It has been a game changer for me! I've also researched online how to eat, lose fat, build muscle, etc. If you want the results, the work is going to be up to you!
4. Learn from Others
Social media is a beautiful thing. Who do you admire? Who is crushing it in the world of running or weight lifting or whatever you are after? Learn what books they are reading or podcasts they are listening to. Find self motivation and improvement articles. Listen, research. Connect with others and ask for their advice or how they do something. I've connected with many people I don't know on social media to reach out about questions or even just talk about our health and fitness goals. We are in this together! I love Instagram because I can surround myself with like minded health and fitness enthusiasts. Keeps me motivated and able to see what else is out there and what will keep me on my toes!
5. Keep a Journal
Think about how you felt after or during a workout. How far and fast did you run? How much did you lift with your last bench press. Track your results. See if you can hit that runner's high again to challenge yourself!
6. Share your PROGRESS!
Be proud of yourself. You are stepping outside of your comfort zone to be a new you! Take pictures BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER you hit your goals. Share it with family, friends, or on social media. Keep yourself ACCOUNTABLE. Connect with others because most likely they want to know what or how you are doing what you are doing. Everyone has to start somewhere!
So, there you've got it! 6 TIPS to help you started and stay MOTIVATED to crush your health and fitness goals! Stay tuned for more tips and tricks!!
done it. Find what works for you and go
fot it!