How do you FIND mom or new female friends????
So. we moved. Boom. The work is done and the hard part is over, right? Right? Not even close! So, our house is mostly organized and we have started to get in to the swing of things around here. I can finally find my clothes and the boys have their toys and books where they should be and we are no longer living out of a suitcase or my car. Our road trip is done. So, now on to the rest of the organizing of our new lives. The kids. Since the boys are 8 years of age and (probably should be in some sort of camp or learning environment this summer) I have feversihly been researching and calling and trying to get them involved in SOMETHING. 1.) To keep them busy and away from fighting and 2) To KEEP ME SANE. So....first comes the research for free or inexpensive activities. Libraries are a great start and local community recreation centers. Okay, I'm finding things and we are getting going on getting them connected and hooked right in with everyone. Now, as they have connections and new friends to run off with, I sit here. I've always dreamed about sitting alone in my house in peace and quiet. (Trust me 8 years of twin boys, anyone would wish for a little peace!) But, the silence is almost deafening. I am a mover. I have counted my blessings daily and been grateful for this mini vacation all summer of not working. (Trust me, I will be back to work in no time as school is approaching). I have savored every moment. I've read. I've cleaned my house, baked cookies, had meals ready, laundry folded and put away. I've organized...and reorganized. I've listened to podcasts and reviewed research. It has been 100% purely wonderful. And yes, I am grateful. BUT. But, I am bored. I am human and female and I just want to connect!!! So where are these Mom Friends or Female Friends? I've looked around at the pool, grocery store, neighborhood, workout classes. I've come up with quick and witty things on the fly to moms and women near me. But, what am I supposed to say? Hey, do you want to be my friend and hang out? I see moms at the pool in pairs or trios. I seem them together. And I there on my towel just watching and waiting. Wishing for a friend. How do you initiate conversation or a relationship when you are in your late 30s? It's like it's all brand new to me. Who can relate to this? Or am I the only one that is going through this right now?? I mean, should I just walk up to random women and say, "Hey--I just moved here. How are you? What are you ladies doing today? Do you live around here?" What is one supposed to do?
I've gone online to find "mom groups", "running clubs," "play dates", and on and on. They are all there on my calendar. Waiting. Waiting for me to attend. For me, someone who has transformed to more of an introvert in my older (more advanced) years, :) this can feel terrifying to have to get in front of others. I realize this and have to work on this. Push my limits and get out of the comfort zone. I have multiple meet ups to attend coming out and will try out a few. I will also get a gym membership here soon and find a Crossfit group and hopefully connect with women there that enjoy painful workouts. I hope to find some boy moms to hang out with once sports get rolling and we can connect on school life, parenting, and juggling it all with work and family. I hope to find friends at work as you spend most of your time with these people. I hope things will just "fall into place" or "will come" as others would say. We as humans, moms, women need to reach out to others. We miss out on so much without friendships which are key to our well being. I hope to find friendships soon and can write about them when I do to see if my plan will work. Maybe it won't and I will keep writing about it. But, I will try and then keep trying some more. Because hopefully, someone out there is looking like me to find a friend and it will all just work out. :)
Until next time~ Amanda