GYM essentials. What is in my GYM bag?
I used to be such a minimalist when working out as I have always been a runner. Started running track back in 6th and 7th grade when they had races and running events that were pretty informal. 8th grade we hit the ground running and I suffered through freezing rain, snow, blistering cold and hot days. 400 repeats were a pretty constant thing my coach would throw at us since apparently he thought the 800 meter and 1 mile were my thing. When I changed schools and moved up, things changed and those distances certainly changed. I did the 200 meter, 400 meter, 300 meter hurdles and triple jump. I was pretty good and I loved it. If you're a runner, all you needed were some solid shoes, running shorts and a tank, a hair tie, and maybe a water bottle. Boom. That was it. When I hit college, technology changed and I had a CD player I would run with and eventually a mini I pod ( I won), since I never had anything fancy. I continued to run after college and trained for my first marathon in which I had an Ipod and finally a Garmin watch. But, I really didn't need much.
After completing running races and taking a stab at a few triathalons, I met the world of CrossFit at my local gym. I thought I was in excellent shape after all that running and biking and swimming I had been doing. I did a few CrossFit classes and quickly learned I was 1)scrawny 2) not strong 3) didn't have the right gear to survive a class. I learned quickly things had to change if I was going to pursue this new activity. I had to recruit the help of my husband to figure out. How do I get strong? Am I going to look like a man if I lift alot? What exercises do I need to do. I was so clueless, so we started slowly. And I kept going to CrossFit class.
So....... I've slowly accumulated things I've felt have been essential to the gym and anything I want to do. I still love running and biking and swimming. I do those usually on my cardio days. But, I love to mix it up these days. Focus on a weight lifting day or high intensity interval training day at CrossFit. I've read about the hybrid athlete and I love this concept!!! A hybrid athlete can excel in both strength and endurance activities. A chance to do everything without being boxed into a certain area of fitness. Because, I do love it all!!
Okay. So now to my BASICS!!!
GYM BAG: Flag nor Fail
Headbands: Under Armour
Knee Sleeves (THESE HELP SO MUCH) if you are doing alot of squatting, burpees, box jumps, power cleans. Rehband. Awesome Awesome!!
Water bottle:Hydro Flask. Your ice will still be there hours later!!
Jump Rope: Rogue
Bands: I use these for stretching, warmin up.: The X Bands
Wrist wraps: Rogue (Helps to keep everything tight with the wrists--bench press, cleans, kettlebell swings)
Hand protectors: Wodies (these SAVE SAVE your hands if you are doing alot of toes to bar or pull ups). I have ripped my hands so many times. You need alot of chalk with these to prevent slipping.
Weight belt: Fire Team Fit (Definitely recommend for heavy lifts)
Ear buds: Wireless, Bluetooth ear buds--Amazon.
And.. my shoe collection. Far leftl-Blue Saucony running shoes. Running only in these things! Green shoes-Reebok CrossFit shoes. Solid shoe and versatile. Black-lifting shoes. Did I tell you they were Free and used? I use them. I will need new ones eventually as they are pretty well used. Ha. Far right CrossFit Reebok shoes. Very worn and flat. Great for basic lifting and arm day.
So. There you have it. Essentials of my Gym bag and shoes. All with a purpose for me at the gym!
Until next time--Amanda